Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2

(1 customer review)


Start Fertilizing your garlic in early spring. Apply fertilizer weekly from spring emergence until 1 week before garlic scapes emerge for large healthy garlic bulbs.

Our top selling organic fertilizer! Grow healthy large organic garlic bulbs with our customer blend fertilizer.


5 Pounds
10 Pounds
40 Pounds

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Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2

Our top selling organic fertilizer used by organic garlic farmers! Grow healthy large organic garlic bulbs with our customer blend fertilizer. FREE SHIPPING!!!

Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2 is produced by our local Fertilizer business for our local garlic growers to provide us with the nutrients that garlic needs to yield nice large healthy nutrient dense plants. Our local organic fertilizer company Midwestern Bio Ag developed a special blend of OMRI listed organic granulated fertilizer that us local Wisconsin Garlic Growers use to give our garlic the few extra nutrients that garlic needs.  Since garlic is a heavy feeder, the feathermeal gives the garlic some extra nitrogen.  Microhume is a micro-nutrient that includes calcium, sulfate sulfur and humates in a granule form to provide a multi-nutrient deliver system which provides essential nutrients of copper, manganese, zinc and sulfur.  Garlic (and most veggies) needs these micro-nutrients which is usually missing from our soils.  The Intrepid Trio adds potash magnesia which is a low chloride potassium fertilizer allowing potassium, sulfur, and magnesium to be deliver to the plant when needed.  The SuperCal is soluble calcium and sulfate sulfur to improve soil structure, aeration, and drainage which also improves seed emergence.  Since garlic is a heavy feeder looking for nutrients from the soil, our garlic fertilizer allows these extra nutrients to be picked up by the plant to feed it though its life cycle to give your plant the extra micro-nutrients that we also want from our food that seems to be missing from the soil these days.

Apply fertilizer in the fall before planting garlic according to the application rates.  In the spring, when the garlic first emerges apply fertilizer every 1-2 weeks until before garlic starts to show a garlic scape.

There are 13.75 cups per 5lbs. and 27.5 cups per 10lbs. Bags

You can also use 1 teaspoon in 3-5 gallons of water which will dissolve as a part of fertilization soak or to foliar feed the garlic.

This can be used as an organic fertilizer on your other garden veggies.  We even use it on our lawn.


Midwestern Bio-Ag Customized Blend Organic Fertilizer Garlic 5-2-2 (with micro-nutrients)

Application Rate:  4 Sq.Ft.= 2oz (1/4 Cup)  There are 13.75 cups per 5lbs. and 27.5 cups per 10lbs. Bags

Before Planting:  Incorporate into soil at double the application rate before planting.  Then sprinkle over the top of the plants before applying mulch.

Spring Application:  Apply about 3-6 times in spring into early summer. Broadcast onto the soil surface (or over your mulch) over garlic in the spring every 2 weeks until the garlic bulbs produce a scape.

After garlic scapes, DO NOT fertilize garlic.

Water thoroughly after the application. If you don’t irrigate, then apply before rainfalls.


Feather Meal 13-0-0 (OMRI Listed nsf-0329)

Compost (OMRI Listed pvo-937)

Microhume (OMRI allowed with restrictions mba-2956)

Intrepid Trio (OMRI Listed ipm-0832)

Sulfate of Potash Organic K+ (OMRI Listed gsl-1944)

Supercal SO4 (OMRI Listed cpr-1476)


Guaranteed Analysis                                  Secondary Nutrients                     Micro-nutrients 

Nitrogen (N) 5%

Available Phosphate (P205) 2%

Soluble Potash (K20) 2%


Calcium (Ca) 2%

Sulfur (S) 5.9%

Boron (B) .10%

Copper (C) .05%

Manganese (Mn) .10%

Zinc (Zn) .15%


If you are a certified organic farmer, you must have your fertilizers reviewed by your organic certifiers before use.  Organic certifiers may require a soil test to show soil needs micro-nutrients before Micro-hume micro-nutrients can be applied.

Additional information

Weight N/A

5 Pounds, 10 Pounds, 40 Pounds

1 review for Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2

  1. rosealholmdick (verified owner)

    Fertilized our garlic this year with this. Pleased to say this is the best crop we have harvested! Highly recommend!

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