Typically the solution which will help in most cases is to clear browser cache and cookie data. To do this on apple here are the steps:
Go to Settings > Safari, then tap Clear History and Website Data. We recommend to do All Time, if it's been over a year since you visited Keene Garlic.
Use the Contact Page or write an email to help@keeneorganics.com . Alternatively, you can give us a call during business hours at 608-215-7599 and someone can help you place an order over the phone.
Weight at time of Package is pretty straight-forward. Keene Garlic weighs and packages the garlic as it comes in from curing. As with most produce it will slowly lose weight on the shelf or in transit. Even if your package comes in slightly underweight by the time of planting, it does not affect the amount of cloves you have to plant. A majority of the garlic from current years harvest will be shipped to customer's by year end.
Shipping Info
Click on the + symbol to read answers to our most common customer questions.
Fall planting pre-orders ship between 9/1 - 10/31 annually. Fall garlic is our most commonly order product. To see our shipping times for year round and other seasonal products please visit our Keene Garlic Seasonal Order Shipping Guide
At the final checkout page, on Address Line 2, you can add a max of 50 characters. If your consideration is longer than 50 characters please use the Customer Notes box instead and we will adjust your order accordingly.
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