How to Grow Horseradish – Plant, Harvest, Eat!

Keene Garlic’s Horseradish Crowns are hardy and easy to grow in any garden. A spicy and nutritious, low-maintenance perennial that will produce for years to come. Horseradish crowns are freshly dug, shipped dormant, and ready to plant. Available in units of 5 or 10 crowns.

Czech Horseradish Crowns

Basic Horseradish Growing Information

  • Location Considerations: Horseradish requires full sun. Since horseradish is a perennial and can continue to produce for many years, choose a spot that will not get disturbed. Horseradish roots can grow very large and will spread if not dug up so plan garden space accordingly.
  • Soil Type: Horseradish prefers rich composted & well drained soil. We do not recommend mulching or fertilizing your horseradish until the roots are established. Be sure not to plant in any media containing bark or wood chips. Do not plant into containers smaller than 1 gallon.
  • Fertilization: If your soil needs a boost of nutrients, we recommend applying an All-Purpose Fertilizer at the time of planting.

Horseradish Crown Arrival

Horseradish Freshly Dug
Horseradish Freshly Dug
  • Arrival: Our horseradish crowns are dug just before shipment. Horseradish will arrive as dormant crowns, ready to plant.
  • How to Handle Before Planting: Remove horseradish roots from shipping box immediately.  Do not water the root upon arrival. For best results, plant them as soon as possible. If needed, keep them in a cool, dry area until they can be planted.

How to Plant Horseradish

  1. Dig a Trench about 4-6 inches deep. Trenches should be 12-18 inches apart.
Dig a Trench

2. Plant roots at a slight angle, spacing about 12 inches apart. If your crown has a sprout, make sure to have the sprout pointing up.

3. Cover the crowns with 2-3 inches of soil.

4. Water immediately after planting.

Seasonal Horseradish Care

  • Horseradish needs about 1 inch of water per week.
  • It is important to keep horseradish well-weeded, especially when roots are still getting established.

How to Harvest & Store Horseradish

Horseradish grows the most later in the season so it is best to delay harvest until October or November, if possible. You can also leave the horseradish in the ground to overwinter & harvest in the early spring just as new growth appears.

  • Carefully dig around the horseradish plant, about 12-24 inches deep.
  • Gently pull roots out with an upward motion.
  • Trim back the foliage to about 1 inch above the crown. Trim off side & thin bottom roots.
  • Save roots that are 6-8 inches or longer for next spring’s planting stock. It is recommended to make a square cut across the top of the root and an angled cut across the bottom of the root so you know which way to plant it at planting time.
  • Store horseradish in the refrigerator or root cellar at a temperature of about 32-40F. Keep roots dark to keep them from turning green.
  • The following spring, replant roots for next year’s crop. Roots left in the ground for more than 2 years may become woody.

Enjoy Your Horseradish!

Grated Horseradish Ready to Enjoy!
  • The most common way to enjoy horseradish is to finely grate it and store it in distilled or white wine vinegar. Put the grated horseradish into a covered glass container as soon as possible. Keep refrigerated at all times to preserve the flavor. Refrigerated horseradish keeps for about 3 weeks. Replenish your supply accordingly.
  • Horseradish can also be dehydrated & ground into powder. Dried horseradish has a much longer shelf life, and, although still delicious, it will not retain as much flavor.

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