
Organic Garlic Fertilization Soak Combo Pack


Special Sale Price for Keene Garlic Customers! | Free Shipping! | CX-1 Now Available in Quart Size | OMRI Listed

1 Quart CX‑1 + 1 Vegetable Supercharger
Original price was: $48.99.Current price is: $43.99.
1 Gallon CX‑1 + 2 Vegetable Superchargers
Original price was: $109.99.Current price is: $87.99.

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Organic Garlic Fertilization Soak Combo Pack

Purple Cow CX-1 Now Available in Quart or Gallon Size! OMRI Listed

Our Organic Garlic Fertilization Soak Combo Pack is a game changer! This combination provides the nutrients to produce quicker root development, larger garlic bulbs and healthier plants. Not only can they be used in our Garlic Fertilization Soak but together they can also be applied as a foliar spray to the plant.  We apply it on our garlic plants in the spring upon emergence until just before the garlic scapes emerge.  This foliar application of Purple Cow’s CX1 combined with Vegetable Supercharger can be used on all vegetables and fruits.  These fantastic fertilizers can also be used as a root drench for quick results.  They will supercharge your plants, providing them with living organisms and trace minerals to produce nutrient dense vegetables and fruits.

  • Soluble – Works in water, great for watering cans and tank or backpack sprayers (filter well). Vegetable Supercharger can also be sprinkled over soil and watered in.
  • Quick Results – Feeds the plants “immediately” at the leaf surface, in addition to the root system.
  • Includes Mycorrhizae – Not included in most organic soluble fertilizers.

Purple Cow CX-1 and Vegetable Supercharger

These products both address the biological side of soil health equation. Adding soil biology along with minerals means uptake occurs more readily, and growers can reduce the amount of other fertility inputs they apply. Veggie Supercharger contains organic humates and kelp meal, providing Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium and other trace minerals. It also utilizes endomycorrhizal fungi – which are known to help with nutrient uptake at the roots.

Our Organic Garlic Fertilization Combo Pack also supports the plant’s ability to withstand disease pressures with modes of action that include: competitive exclusion, production of natural antibiotics, and bio-sanitation. Balanced minerals and diverse biology help the plant produce the phytonutrients (sugars, proteins, amino acids and more). These phytonutrients contribute to plant health, beauty, nutrient density & ultimately flavor. The healthier the plants, the healthier the food!


  • Purple Cow CX-1 Liquid Biology: 100% plant-based culture media capable of supporting beneficial soil organisms
  • Purple Cow Bioactive Vegetable Supercharger: Humic Acid, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Soluble Potash, Calcium

How to Organically Fertilize Garlic using our Garlic Fertilization Soak Combo Pack:

For fall:

  1. Apply a garlic fertilizer like Keene Garlic’s Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2-1s, or an all purpose fertilizer like, Bio-Active All-Purpose Organic Fertilizer – Purple Cow 4-6-4 to soil per application rates on packaging before planting.
  2. Follow this recipe using our Garlic Fertilization Soak Instructions 1 Scoop Vegetable Supercharger + 1 Gallon of Water, after dissolved, add + 1 Tablespoon of CX1 Liquid Fertilizer to a bucket of water and soak garlic cloves, ideally overnight.  Minimum time for soaking is 20 minutes. The maximum time for fertilization soak is 3 days.

In the spring:

  1. Apply your all-purpose or garlic fertilizer Keene Garlic’s Organic Garlic Fertilizer 5-2-2-1s or Bio-Active All-Purpose Organic Fertilizer – Purple Cow 4-6-4 to soil per application rates on packaging as soon as garlic sprouts emerge. Apply 3-4 times per season, about every 10-14 days, starting in early spring until garlic scape emerges. Broadcast directly onto the mulch or soil surface. Rain and/or watering will push the nutrients through to the soil.
  2. Use as a foliar feed or soil drench:
    • 1 tablespoon of CX1 +1 Scoop Vegetable Supercharger + 1 Gallon of Water.
    • Spray directly onto foliage, preferably towards the end of the day.
    • Reapply every 10-14 days until right before garlic scapes appear.

***This fertilization plan can be used on your other garden vegetables too!***

Note*If you are a certified organic grower, you must have your fertilizers reviewed by your organic certifier before use.

Additional information

Weight 3.8 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 8 in

1 Quart CX-1 + 1 Vegetable Supercharger, 1 Gallon CX-1 + 2 Vegetable Superchargers


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