Chesnok Red Certified Organic – Spring Garlic Bulbs


Pre-Orders Open in January

Shipping begins in March

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Chesnok Red Garlic Bulbs – Certified Organic for Spring Planting

Chesnok Red Hardneck Garlic Bulbs are available this spring for planting. Kept in cold storage to mimic winter to provide the best spring planting garlic. Fall planting is preferred for garlic, but if Mother Nature provides a short cool spring, then a warm early summer, with hot temperatures a few weeks before harvest, they should grow well into nice sized bulbs. If you find that Mother Nature is not cooperating, the bulbs may be small. Even if they are small they are very tasty and will store for many months from a summer harvest. Another option is to harvest them early as green garlic.

Chesnok Red Garlic Bulbs are from the Purple Stripe family & multiply well with 8-12 garlic cloves per bulb. There are a variety of garlic clove sizes, so you will harvest a variety of sizes at harvest. The larger bulbs can be used for replanting or eating and the smaller bulbs store longer. All of our garlic is non-GMO and non-treated.

Chesnok Red Certified Organic Garlic Details

    • Cold Stratified for Spring Planting
    • Hardneck, Purple Stripe Garlic Family
    • 8-12 Small, Medium and Large Cloves per Bulb
    • One pound planted can yield around 10 pounds at harvest
    • Robust, very hardy, great performer in most US Regions
    • Grows well in Northern and Southern States
    • Beautiful red striped bulbs make for great market appeal
    • Garlic flavor: Always a taste test winner with a rich sweet flavor when roasted and sautéed. Great raw too with a medium not to overpowering garlic flavor which is great in olive oil and salad dressing.
    • Collected in 1985 in the village of Shvelisi in the southern republic of Georgia
  • SPRING GARLIC DETAILS: Chesnok Red Certified Organic Garlic Bulbs – for Spring Planting will arrive in a netted bag, labeled by variety. Unpack and store in a cool, dry place or a refrigerator until it is time to plant. It is normal for spring garlic to have sprouts.
  • SHIPPING INFORMATION: Spring garlic begin shipping Early March. Choose your ship date upon checkout.

Basic Spring Garlic Growing Information

Planting Time: Plant in the spring to harvest as smaller bulbs or green garlic!

Sun Requirement: Garlic requires full sun – the more the better!

Soil Fertility: Adding compost or a balanced organic fertilizer is essential for growing healthy garlic, especially if soil fertility is low. For the best growth and yield, garlic needs fertilizer at planting time and additional side dressing throughout the growing season. Our Keene Garlic Fertilizer is specially formulated for garlic!

Planting: Plant garlic as soon as you can work the soil in the spring. Separate cloves and plant each clove 4-6 inches apart with pointy side up and root side down into fertilized soil. Apply mulch and then water.

***For detailed instructions on how to grow spring garlic, see our blog post:

Planting Garlic in the Spring

Spring Garlic begin shipping in Early March. Choose your ship date upon checkout.

Keene Garlic Spring Products Shipping Information Graphic

***For more information about the shipping of our products, see the Keene Garlic Seasonal Order Shipping Guide.

*It is the purchaser’s responsibility to assure items selected will grow in their USDA hardiness zone and to choose appropriate ship dates. Local Extension offices are great resources for gardening information specific to each region and are highly recommended.

ABOUT US: Keene Garlic works closely with small organic farmers who have been growing for generations to produce top notch products for your garden or homestead. We personally have had continued success with these high-quality spring products for years and are delighted to share our favorites with you. When you purchase from Keene Garlic you are supporting small organic family farms, and you are making a difference!

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