Heirloom & Organic Garlic bulbs
Seed Potatoes, Onion Plants, Shallots, Asparagus Crowns and More
Top Sellers
Why Keene Garlic?
We offer organically grown garlic with unique heirloom varieties for culinary and planting uses. Our Wisconsin garlic farm in collaboration with other small local family farms allow us to proudly serve only US grown garlic. This unity allows us to provide exceptional quality garlic grown by small, local, organic family farms around Wisconsin to give you the experience of flavorful gourmet garlic while sustaining our organic family farms.
- We are the premier online store for buying garlic for culinary and planting uses from small quantities, sampler packages, wholesale, and bulk for the chef, gardener, and farmer.
- Certified Organic and Naturally Grown. Meeting food quality safety standards. All our garlic can be eaten or planted.
- Our gourmet garlic cannot be found many other places like the grocery stores, big box stores, or Amazon.
- Our garlic plants produce some of the best seed stock for growing garlic for gardeners and farmers.
- Martha Stewart has been growing Keene Garlic on her farms for 10 years.
- Our garlic fields are tested annually for pests and diseases and this is part of our strategy to bring you exceptional quality garlic.
- We’re a small family business, owned and operated by Keene, his wife, and sons with loyal and exceptional part time staff
- We make garlic easy to grow by offering our decades of experience to our customers.
- Our heirloom varieties have generational lineage and traceability back hundreds of years.
- Garlic is a nutritious superfood, with multiple health benefits, and medical properties.
- Keene Garlic produces the best tasting seasonings with our homegrown garlic. The flavor of our garlic seasonings is exceptional and not found in grocery stores.
- Keene Garlic has grown making collaborations with local farmers or Made in the USA companies offering potatoes, onions, fertilizer, garden tools.
See our customer reviews on our social!

Spring is right around the corner! 🌱
That means it`s time to give your garlic the care it needs to thrive. Follow these simple spring tips to help your garlic grow bigger, stronger, and healthier. 🧄
Learn more at the "5 tips for spring garlic care" link in our bio!!
P.S. If you have any additional tips, share them with new growers in the comments! 💛
#organicgarlic #garlicscapes #gardeningisgoodforthesoul #madisonwi #gardeningistherapy #growyourownveggies #organicgarden #growyourown #madisonfoodie #madisonwisconsin #organicfarm #heirloomvegetables #organicfarmingpractices #gardeningtips #heirloomgarden #garliclover #garlicplanting #springgarlic
@quarterafarm has been getting a lot of questions about their garlic patch…like what varieties they are growing, and why do they grow so many? 👇
“First off, this season we are growing 13 varieties of hardneck garlic because…why not?!?
No, really, there are just so many varieties of heirloom garlic out there, and we just want to taste them all.
The season reason we grow so many is for biodiversity. To be able to have a mix of flavors, sizes, and different rates of maturity.
Every season, we grow some of our favorites like German Extra Hardy and some newbies.
We nerded out when going through the @keenegarlic catalog and picked out some interesting new varieties to try, including Vietnamese Red, Georgian Fire, and Pehoski Purple.”
Isn’t this just amazing?! We’ve been nerdjng out on different heirloom garlic varieties for as long as we can remember…glad we’re not the only ones!! 😋
📸: @quarterafarm
#farmtotable #simpleliving #eatlocalgrown #homegrownfood #springgarden #springgardening #farmher #gardeningismytherapy #gardentotable #organicgrower #growyourfood #homegrownveg #groworganically #growingfood #growyourveggies #homegrowngarlic #farmtotable
Jessica @adamafarm knows what’s up!!! 🧄✨ In honor of #InternationalWomensDay, this is your reminder to support your local #FarmHER! Jessica is passionate about serving her community and customers with high quality, organic no-till produce. Everything is grown and harvested with love by her crew of farmHERS. ❤️ #farmhers #notillfarming #regenerativeagriculture #organicfarming #farmgirls #supportyourlocalfarmer #knowyourfarmer #farmingforthefuture #farmtotable
We have some lovely spring garlic bulbs available!
🧄 certified organic
❤️ grown with love
✨ unique heirloom varieties
Order yours today at the “spring planting” link in our bio!
#springplanting #organicgarlic #growinggarlic #garliclovers #knowyourfarmer #growyourfood #chooseorganic #homegrownfood #keenegarlic #backyardgarden #backyardhomestead #urbangardening
Meet Rissy and Mike @meetusinourgarden👇
“We love Chesnok Red and German Extra Hardy for hardnecks and Lorz Italian for softneck. All together we planted just over 300 cloves to be harvested this coming summer.
Our favorite ways to use garlic in the kitchen are as a seasoning for tomato sauces, and in soups and salsas. We love it mashed into avocado…roasted and mashed into fresh baked bread…another favorite is tomato confit.
As far as preservation, when the hardneck starts to turn we begin to chop and freeze it or smash it a little and cover it in honey to ferment. This is especially helpful for our family during cold season. To preserve the scapes we chop them up and freeze in butter or oil to use for starting soups and sauces.”
We love meeting fellow garlic lovers!! Thank you for being part of our garlic-growing community, and we wish you a successful harvest this year. ❤️
#eatorganic #ilovegardening #growingfood #gardentofork #backyardgardener #growingfoodisfun #groworganically #midwestgardening #homegrownveg #homegrowngoodness #gardentotable #homegrowngarlic #growyourveggies #growyourfood #organicgrower #garliclovers #keenegarlic #gardeningislife #gardeningismytherapy #foodismedicineformybody #preservingtheharvest
POV: You just grew the most gorgeous green garlic. 😍
Shoutout to @tanakaname for growing these beauties—you can do it too!!
You have two options...
1) Harvest Early: If you planted garlic last fall, you can start harvesting when the plants reach pencil size. Keep going until bulbs begin to form, then let the rest mature for a full summer harvest.
2) Spring Planting: Plant some extra cloves this spring just for green garlic! This way, you can enjoy fresh green garlic without dipping into your main summer crop.
Thinking about a spring planting? We’re still taking orders for spring garlic bulbs—check them out at the "spring planting" link in our bio!
#growyourveggies #homegrowngoodness #growingfoodisfun #growingfood #nourishyourbody #midwestgardening #springgardening #farmher #ilovegardening #springgarden #gardentofork #gardentotable #backyardgardener #homegrownveg #growyourfood #backyardhomesteading #eatorganic #groworganically #wisconsinfoodie #homegrowngarlic #backyardgardening #beginnergardener #backyardgarden #gardeningislife #gardeningismytherapy
Question of the Week: Should I remove the mulch from my garlic?
No, we recommend keeping the mulch on your garlic until harvest time. This is for two reasons:
1) moisture retention
2) weed suppression
In particularly wet years, some garlic growers do remove mulch to prevent fungal diseases. However, we always keep ours on, and our garlic turns our great! In the end, do what works best for you. 🙂
📸: @wesowwegrow
#growyourfood #springgarden #organicgrower #gardentofork #springgardening #garliclovers #homegrownveg #midwestgardening #eatlocalgrown #homegrownfood #nourishyourbody #growyourveggies #farmher #growingfood #backyardhomesteading #ilovegardening #growingfoodisfun #backyardgardener #gardentotable #homegrowngoodness #chooseorganic #containergardener
It`s time to check on your garlic! 🌱
With the recent warm temps, your garlic might be starting to sprout! Take a quick peek and see how it`s doing.
No sprouts in some spots? Gently peel back the mulch to make sure your garlic isn’t stuck underneath. 🙂
Drop a comment to share how your garlic is growing! Including your garden zone can be helpful for others in similar climates. 👇
#organicgarlic #homegrownveg #urbanfarmers #urbanfarm #homegrownfood #midwestgardening #springgardening #backyardgardening #springgarden #growyourfood #wisconsinfoodie #growyourveggies #organicgrower #gardentofork #eatlocalgrown #garliclovers #homegrowngarlic #keenegarlic #eatorganic #groworganically #growinggarlic #fallgarlic
Thank you, Bob! ⭐️
Our team puts so much care into growing and providing the best garlic, spring plants, fertilizers, seasonings, and more. It means the world to us to have customers like you who appreciate our hard work!
We’re so grateful for your support of our small family farm—every order, every kind word, and every bit of encouragement keeps us going. 💛
You should plant shallots this spring!! 🌱
We offer...
— shallot plants (live seedlings that arrive in a container with soil, hardened off, and ready to plant)
— shallot sets (bulbs that are planted into your garden; similar to planting garlic)
Both options are certified organic and super easy to grow! ☀
Learn more at the "spring planting" link in our bio!
📸: @bloomswithsunshine
#simpleliving #organicgrower #homegrownfood #urbanfarmers #midwestgardening #wisconsinfoodie #gardentofork #homegrownveg #urbanfarm #farmher #nourishyourbody #growyourveggies #eatrealfoodmostlyplants #backyardgarden #eatlocalgrown #springgarden #growyourfood #springgardening #backyardgardening #beginnergardener #growingfood #backyardhomesteading #gardeningismytherapy #springplanting
Your spring planting list isn’t complete without —s h a l l o t s— !! ✨☀️
Our shallots sets are clusters that are divided apart and planted individually. If you`ve planted garlic before, you`ve got this! Shallots are just as easy to plant. 🙂
Pre-order today at the "spring planting" link in our bio!
#organicgrower #homegrownfood #urbanfarmers #midwestgardening #wisconsinfoodie #gardentofork #growyourveggies #backyardgarden #eatlocalgrown #springgardening #backyardgardening #beginnergardener #growingfood #backyardhomesteading #urbangardener
How to plant ... S H A L L O T ✨ S E T S 👇
1) Make a furrow in your soil.
2) Break apart any shallot bulb clusters, and plant 4-6" apart. Plant the root side down and pointy side up.
3) Cover with soil so just the tops are slightly visible. Then water!!
Want more details? Visit the "how to grow shallots" link in our bio! 🙂
#growingfoodisfun #backyardgarden #farmher #knowyourfarmer #sustainableagriculture #regenerativeagriculture #backyardhomesteading #urbangardening #organicgardening #springgrowing #gardeningismytherapy
Here’s how to prep our Magic Molly Fingerling Seed Potatoes for planting! ✨💜
These beauties showcase a deep purple skin and flesh, and are packed with antioxidants. They make a lovely addition to a tray of roasted beets and carrots.
Order yours today at www.keeneorganics.com 🙂
#eatrealfood #knowyourfarmer #growyourfood #chooseorganic #growyourown #springplanting #backyardgarden #backyardhomesteading #backyardgardening #farmher #madisonwi
In this video, Linnea demonstrates how to prep seed potatoes for planting! 🥔
Our seed potatoes are certified organic, and we have SO many beautiful varieties for you to choose from.
Visit our website at www.keeneorganics.com to order yours today! ❤️
#springplanting #backyardgardening #backyardhomestead #farmher #knowyourfarmers #gardentofork #growyourveggies #growyourownfood #simpleliving #containergardening
Our Organic Seed Potatoes are available to pre-order!! 🩷
Pictured Variety: Adirondack Red 🥔
Our organic seed potatoes are grown with love on a small organic family farm in Wisconsin. We have so many lovely varieties available this year, from pretty pinks and purples to golden fingerlings. ✨
Pre-order yours at the "spring planting" link in our bio!
#growyourveggies #wisconsinfoodie #farmher #homegrownfood #midwestgardening #simpleliving #nourishyourbody #gardentofork #farmingforthefuture #urbanfarmers #organicgrower #urbanfarm #eatrealfoodmostlyplants #homegrownveg #plantpowered #plantingpotatoes
Have you pre-ordered your onion plants yet? 📦
Our onion plants are greenhouse-grown on small, family farms in Wisconsin. These live seedlings arrive in a container with soil, hardened off, and ready to plant. 🌱
We have 9 beautiful, certified organic varieties for you to choose from. Check them out at the "spring planting" link in our bio!! ✨
#growyourveggies #springplanting #backyardgardening #gardeningislife #beginnergardener #backyardhomesteading #springgarden #backyardgarden #springgardening #farmher #urbangardening #gardeningismytherapy #growyourfood #urbangardener #wisconsinfoodie #growingfood #eatlocalgrown
Sunshine`s garlic is growing beautifully!! ✨
Sunshine ordered our 1st Time Garlic Grower`s Package, Nootka Rose and California White. Her garlic is happily soaking up all the Florida sunshine! ☀️
"They are growing so nicely and look really healthy! This is my first time growing them and we`re excited." -@bloomswithsunshine
P.S. Fall garlic pre-orders will be opening in March!! 🧄
#backyardgarden #farmher #backyardgardening #backyardhomesteading #gardeningismytherapy #ilovegardening #homegrownfood #growingfoodisfun #homegrowngarlic #gardentofork #backyardgardener #homegrowngoodness #farmingforthefuture #eatorganic #groworganically
We`re here to help you plant ... P O T A T O E S ! 🥔
1) 1-2 days before planting, cut your seed potatoes into pieces with 1-2 "eyes" per piece. Let the cuts dry and form a skin.
2) Dig a trench 6-8" deep.
3) Place the potato pieces in the trench, with cut sides down and sprout sides up.
4) Cover with 4" of soil. Once plants are 4-6” tall, add more soil to cover up the plants` stems.
For more details on spacing, watering, harvesting, and more...visit the "how to grow potatoes" link in our bio!
#springgardening #ilovegardening #gardeningislife #gardeningismytherapy #growyourfood #gardentotable #gardentofork #groworganic #organicgardening #eatrealfood #midwestgardening #containergardens #foodismedicine