Adirondack Red Seed Potato – Organic


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Shipping begins Late February.

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Adirondack Red Seed Potato

Organic Adirondack Red Seed Potato, Easy to Grow, Eat Your Rainbow!

Adirondack Red Seed Potato – Organic are equally as beautiful as their cousins, Adirondack Blues, & also packed with antioxidants galore. A gorgeous way to “Eat Your Rainbow”! Their bright red skin is stunning when roasted and the flesh makes pink mashed potatoes that kids just love. A lovely component in a tri-color roasted potato dish!

  • Mid-Season Potatoes
  • 80-90 days
  • Red Skin & Pink Flesh
  • Great for Roasting
  • Good Storage

ORGANIC & HOMEGROWN: Our seed potatoes are grown on a small organic family farm in Wisconsin & are double certified. Certified Organic by MOSA and also certified by the Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program to bring gardeners the healthiest, disease-free potatoes without varietal mixture.

SEED POTATO ARRIVAL: Organic Seed Potatoes will arrive in a netted bag labeled by variety. Seed potatoes aren’t always pretty and may have slight shriveling, sprouting or minor blemishes. This is completely normal and will not affect the potato’s performance. If you will not be planting within 2 weeks of arrival, remove the potatoes from the netted bag and store seed in a cool, dark place.

Basic Potato Growing Information

  • Location: Potatoes like full sun coupled with fertile, well-drained soil. Equally important, keeping the weeds at bay assures a good crop.
  • Water:  Potatoes need ~1″ of water per week, consistent watering is key. Discontinue watering when plants die back.
  • Planting Time: Potatoes can be planted as soon as the ground can be worked, although some folks wait a bit to make sure the soil is not too wet. Soil temp around 45F is ideal. This time will vary by region. (In Wisconsin, we aim to get our potatoes in by the end of April.) Check with your local Extension office for information specific to your area. Potatoes can tolerate a light frost, however, they may need protection if there is a hard, late frost.
  • Bed Feet per Pound: 1-lb bag plants approximately 6-8 row feet, depending on the variety. If a seed potato is over 1 inch in diameter, you can cut them into pieces. Leave 1 – 2 eyes per piece. Average is 6-8 pieces/lb., more for Fingerlings. Average planting rate: 10-12″ apart, in rows 30-36″ apart.
  • Easy to Grow: Potatoes are very adaptable, therefore, will almost always grow a respectable crop even when conditions are not perfect.

How to Plant and Harvest Potatoes

For more information, including how-to photos, see our Potato Planting blog. Step-by-step planting instructions will also be provided with your order.


Organic seed potato shipping starts in Late February. Choose your ship date upon checkout.

Keene Garlic Spring Products Shipping Information Graphic

***For more information about the shipping of our products, see the Keene Garlic Seasonal Order Shipping Guide.



*It is the purchaser’s responsibility to assure items selected will grow in their USDA hardiness zone and to choose appropriate ship dates. Local Extension offices are great resources for gardening information specific to each region and are highly recommended.


ABOUT US: Keene Garlic works closely with small organic farmers who have been growing for generations to produce top notch products for your garden or homestead. We personally have had continued success with these high-quality spring products for years and are delighted to share our favorites with you. When you purchase from Keene Garlic you are supporting small organic family farms, and you are making a difference!

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1lb, 3lb, 5lb, 10lb, 45lb


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